Mystic Mondays: Get Ready for October Magic

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Blessed Moon Day!

The sun is in Libra, this is a time of finding balance, still the sun’s nature just wants to shine as big as it can, and yet the light is waning. It’s time to turn inward and reflect on the deepest truths and root out the deepest illusions.

Consider: How full is your inner peace tank? How long are you able to sit with a still mind? How much time are you taking to slow down? Are we learning to nurture our bodies? Are we becoming more aware of our addiction to distraction? Are we hungry for more inner peace? Or are we afraid of what may be stripped away from us on the path to peace? I invite you to take some time this week to slow down, wander, get lost in nature, hug a tree, gather fall leaves, go to a meditation class, go within. The truth lives there in a way that only YOU can express the best.

Enjoy this oracle sharing & astrology forecast for the week <3


There is a sort of woman
Who is always virgin
For she is One in herself
She needs no other for completion
She is at peace with her essence
She has healed the unconscious wounds
Put upon her by culture
And ancestral traumas

She does not betray herself
For country, family or lovers
She chooses what is true
In the fiery flames of her soul
Incarnated in a body
That she as stopped rejecting
And learned to care for
Stopped treating as object
And learned to honor her instincts
As sovereign

She feels and expresses
With no scientific proof
She needs no proof
For she lives
And that is proof enough

She of the moon phases
She the truth that dances
In and out of consciousness

She who chooses her own nature
Over any external pressures to conform

She who is Virgin
And Lover

Then prices go up to


A cosmic tale of betrayal, loss and rekindled love involving a cast of characters who span the ages working to resolve the theological issues of The Fall and the split between Heaven and man and woman on Earth. Written in play like scenes with dynamic dialogue, Jessica draws on Gnostic lore and Goddess wisdom reimagining the story of how the Divine Feminine fled the Earth plane when Gilgamesh cut down The Tree of Life. But now the Goddess is back to draw a line in the sand with patriarchy in order that The Tree of Life, the sacred marriage bed, may be restored and the new age of peace may begin.


The light in me salutes the light in you!

