
Dove Oracle Message: All Saints Day Transmission

As I step out in this new role I plan to offer these special divine transmissions exclusively to my 2017 Annual Members.  

A Silver Annual Membership includes:

  • Divine transmissions (like the one above) sent to you in an email on every New and Full Moon PLUS special transmissions on high holy days or any other time I feel the spirit nudging me to share.  
  • TARALOMA Earth Temple weekly E-zine which includes weekly Oracle Forecasts, Cat Lady Card Readings, and more

A Gold Annual Membership includes:

  • 50% off your first Oracle Reading
  • One free yoga video of your choice

Thank you so much for supporting me and my children so that I can continue to focus on being a clear channel for divinely transmitting during time of great awakening.  

~ ~ ~

What does it mean to be an Oracle?  It means to honor the very essence of the Divine Feminine nature, to be a vessel, a mouth piece for the Goddess.  I recently learned about what happened to the Oracles at Delphi, how they were captured, raped, forced only transmit messages from the male God, Apollo.  Hearing this story awakened my cellular memory.  The days of women being forced to be a mouthpiece for patriarchy is over.  The days of women being raped and silenced by patriarchy is over.   The true meaning of virginity is about being whole in one's self.  Not sacrificing soul and self for others, not forcing and dominating others to believe like we do.  No longer must women be cut off from our spiritual heritage and forced to serve the patriarchy.  We are returning to our right relationship to the Goddess.  We are coming into sacred balance, honoring the yin and the yang, the sacred feminine and sacred masculine, while talking honestly about the shadows of both, so that all may be healed.

 (Pick up my Fairy Calendar which notes the Moon cycles.)


Weekly Oracle Forecast Nov 6-12


When I was 13 I was raped behind the high school on a freshly laid slab of concrete.  My therapist has suggested maybe not introducing myself like this.  Some Native Americans have been given names that tell of their brave stories and triumphs.  I feel I need a new name.  Maybe:  The Land that was Conquered has been Redeemed.  It wasn't long after that fateful day that I had been renamed the "school slut."  I was the new girl in a small town to which my military family had recently relocated.  I quickly learned the power of stories and rumors to sweep us away from the truth as my peers and I were suddenly caught up in a myth that was much bigger than we were.  

I was chosen, as many girls are, to hold the archetype of the "school slut" in the junior high imagination.  I was the girl who was elected to usher the community into their deepest sexual fears and darkest wildest fantasies.   

My ego identity wasn't well prepared for this new role. I was naive, weird, a mystical school girl who loved spending hours alone in her room reading Nancy Drew, listening to Amy Grant and speaking in tongues when I prayed.  In public I was extremely shy.  At home I was blissfully wild.  I had only kissed a boy once and while it was magical, it was also completely terrifying. Still, I was at the developmental stage where it was time to break away from my family of origin and connect more with my peers--which was difficult because I was... different.

In this quest to connect with my peers, I focused on escaping my Queendom of Nerdom where I had reigned for many years and was addressed by the titles of "Prude" and "Goodie-Two-Shoes" by my constituents probably because my royal clothes included I LOVE JESUS T-shirts and I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday.  This is the girl who begged her mom for contacts when her family got orders to move between 7th and 8th grade in a bold attempt to ascend the social ladder.  She also stopped wearing those t-shirts and another myth came to pass: the ugly duckling became a swan who couldn't see herself very clearly. 

I didn't tell my parents what happened that summer until I was 37 years old (just three years ago) in an effort to make amends and make some sense of the chaotic teen years that followed that incident which included an attempted suicide and being sent away to live with extended family in another state until the rumors blew over.  In many ways my life has continued to echo this trauma which erupted something like a pipeline expelling barrels of toxins a day.  I have grown up with parts of self and soul feeling helplessly dirty like the animals and the rivers and the oceans covered in black oil, as I tried desperately to clean up and hide this big mess which included a lot of self hatred and deep shame.  That stuff can take years to heal.  Many never recover.


I am revealing to you the trauma I am working to heal, not for anyone to feel sorry for me, that's not the point.  I'm not the point.  I'm just playing a role, just as you are, in a story that is much bigger than ourselves.  I'm sharing my story so that we can remember our mission in the grand scheme of things.


My great grandfather was a circuit rider preacher.  He rode his horse around to minister to the early settlers in the plains of the Dakotas. In one visit (sometimes annually) he would marry, bury, baptize, and absolve the whole community.  Pastor Froiland also served in Mayville, North Dakota where my grandmother grew up.  My ancestors had a homestead near Estoria, South Dakota.  Like many around these parts, we inherited Native land in the Homestead Act.  We received the land as "a gift from God" thanks to some crafty theological work called: The Doctrine of Discovery which contained the harmful ideas of Manifest Destiny. This doctrine basically declared white Europeans more holy than the earth based indigenous heathens, and gave settlers divine permission to dominate and assimilate the Native Americans, their children, their way of life, stealing their lands like the Hebrew people stole Canaan, doing evil in the name of God.  See how these larger traumas echo throughout time.  


When I was 13, I quickly learned how in my world the tender feminine body was grounds for seizing and dispensing.  I felt used and thrown away like all the other plastic containers that are tossed into landfills.  No wonder men retire and get depressed.  We are taught that we are valued for what we produce, not for who we are.  At a young age I learned that my inner world was not valuable to the dominant culture.  I learned my role was to be object, not subject.  What my culture did and continues to do to the Natives, it also does to me and you, for assimilation is its own kind of rape.  It denies the beautiful diverse expressions of humanity.  It denies depth, dimension, and soul for a 3D concrete reality that insists the highest law in all of creation is not love but: might makes right.  We each must choose which law to obey, Divine Law or the ruling powers of this world which are presently bent on destroying creation. Things are a lot out of balance.  (Trust me I'm a professional yoga teacher who knows balance when I see it.) 


The spirituality I inherited from my ancestors was lofty and intellectual and disconnected from the body and from the earth. It had to be, for it bore the karmic consequences of being a part of the dominating and assimilating culture. My spiritual stories tell of being kicked out of the garden. The Natives do not, for they are the original caretakers of the garden.


My ancestors are hardworking, passionate people who fight for justice.  My grandmother has made repeated trips to the Holy Land to advocate for Christian Palestinians and fight against human rights violations. (She's visited there over 18 times, and she's hard to keep up with even in her 90s!)  My ancestors were upstanding citizens that pitched in to help their local communities as pastors, choir directors, and teachers who valued access to education and supported women's suffrage.  As ministers they also forgave the settlers for their sins.  But I'm not sure we are totally forgiven yet because the wounds of generational trauma still squirm under our stoic Scandinavian codes of silence.  Wishing the problem would just go away does not make it go away.  I know that the word repentance means "to turn around"  and that true forgiveness restores and reconciles us with God and God's creation.  True forgiveness heals.  As I behold the stand off between police and Natives in Cannonball, ND, it is clear to me that many of my people are not yet reconciled and that there is healing yet to come.   


As I behold the police in all their weaponry, I am reminded of my family's military life growing up on bases. I know so many good men, including my father, who are drawn to the military to serve their country with honor.  I want to remind good men that honor is not found in blind obedience, that's why Jesus was always asking: whom do you serve?  Because you cannot serve God and money.  So use your honor and integrity and strength to truly serve the greater good and not the powers that wish to destroy that which is good. Honor and service to others is found in defending the sacred, so make sure you can truly discern what is sacred and what is not. 


A long time ago I was asked to initiate people into the Underworld, at the time I had no idea that this initiation would eventually lead to a ministry as a healer.  As a 27 year veteran Queen of the Underworld and newly Dove Oracle Priestess, I now understand that the fires and trials we go through of are not for damnation but transformation. What appears to us as impending destruction is merely the beginnings of birth pangs.  

What appears to be a catastrophe, over time, becomes a strong foundation from which to live a good life.

-Dr. Rachael Naomi Remen

Denial will not help us through the birth canal that surrounds us at this time.  Facing the pain and using it so that it can be transformed into new life will.  I tell you the truth: it is sin and the ruling powers of this world that are out of alignment with Divine Law that will finally be destroyed and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.  So keep doing what is right.  For the second coming is near.  


My hair is the same color as the golden prairie.  My eyes reflect the cornflower blue sky which canopies wide over these Dakota plains.  When the moon is full, I bleed. When I am excited or sad, I flow like a river.  When I am pregnant, I bloom like the crocus in spring.  I am intrinsically connected to creation.  I am the land.  The land is me.  You cannot separate us.  We were born connected.  What is done to the land is done to me.  What is done to me is done to my children and and my children's children for many generations to come.


When my children were born I began to worry about the water.  What is in it?  Is it clean?  Is it safe?  Mother knows why the waters are sacred, and why they must be protected.  We are surrounded by water in the womb.  We are surrounded by water in the body.  We are surrounded by the watery atmosphere that nourishes our life.  In its smallest expression, water is light, water is star stuff, tiny six pointed stars that remind us of who we really are.  Mother knows that the health of our bodies and our babies is connected to the water


I am wearing my Grandfather's alb (there are a lot of Lutheran ministers in my family) and my Grandmother's ancestral jewelry.  I am here upon this land where my Great Grandfather may have ridden his horse as he made his circuit.  This is not my land, but it is my spiritual country.  I am here to make amends for myself and all who wish to join me.  For many generations we have been able to deny our connection to our bodies and the land.  In this generation we cannot.  The time has come to turn around.


My rape was but an echo of a much larger rape that is happening to the earth, and maybe this is why we as individuals are supposed to stay silent, lest we wake up and see that the rape of the earth is connected to the rape of the dignity of our humanity.  For what we do to the earth and to others, we ultimately do to ourselves and to our children and to our children's children. The sins of the father are passed down to the next generation.  But look, the time of rebirth is at hand.  The veils are parting.  We are beginning to see: we are one human family.


On November 3, 2016 I stood around the sacred fires at Standing Rock with over 524 spiritual leaders from across the country to present to the Native American Elders the Doctrine of Discovery to burn.  "We were wrong," we declared.  My body quaked with relief and I sobbed.  Never before have so many people of different ancestral and religious backgrounds gathered together in peace, in prayer, unified in cause and love for one another and for the land.  

Friends, this is not just going to go away: this is going to renew our world.

Young and old Native woman spoke with trembling lips and tears running down their faces, "We have been waiting for you all to come for a very long time.  Seeing you all here, this heals us.  We are so happy that you are here.  We forgive you."  

On that day I received absolution for myself and my people from the Native women as I stood in my ancestor's ministerial robes.  Their tears washed the black snake of rape from my body, as they affirmed something that has been difficult for me to hold onto: if the land is sacred, then so is my body. So many years the slick toxins of self hate and shame polluted my body and kept me severed from my instincts.  I am a conquered land no more.  I am redeemed.  As I receive their forgiveness I am invited to return to the Garden, to return to my body, and to return to my soul.  And so are you.


Dove Oracle Priestess at TARALOMA Earth Temple.  
See what services I have to offer you here!

Introducing TARALOMA Earth Temple Mystery School On-Line Courses beginning in January 2016!  Learn more here.

Introducing TARALOMA Earth Temple Mystery School On-Line Courses beginning in January 2016!  
Learn more here.

Weekly Oracle Forecast Sept 25-Oct 1


Here's to those who have been silent all these years <3  This is a cover of one of my most favorites songs by the most lovely, my absolute favorite artist, Tori Amos. 

-Tori Amos
Order a copy: Sacred Wood Nymph, A Year of Fairy Wisdom&nbsp;The pictures for this project were taken during a vulnerably healing photo shoot where I frolicked with the energy of Daphne the Wood Nymph as a way to release sexual trauma. &nbsp;I creat…

Order a copy: Sacred Wood Nymph, A Year of Fairy Wisdom The pictures for this project were taken during a vulnerably healing photo shoot where I frolicked with the energy of Daphne the Wood Nymph as a way to release sexual trauma.  I created this project with the intent of finding a way to return to feeling more safe and at home in my body. 

SACRED WOOD NYMPH, A YEAR OF FAIRY WISDOM: Healing Sexual Trauma with the Energy of Daphne

How do we "capture" something in a sacred way?  Rather than living out of old modes of domination and oppression of the weak within our world and within ourselves, Daphne the Wood Nymph invites us to play again and heal as we dance with our own gentleness in the beauty of the natural world to which we all innately belong.  She allows us not to capture her body, but images of her tenderly free and intrinsically feminine spirit.

During this sacred play I learned that Daphne knows the way to unlock the healing wisdom of the trees.  In the myth, Apollo chases Daphne to rape her, but Gaia saves her wood nymph by turning her into a Laurel tree.  Laurel wreathes are crowned upon the true victors because Daphne teaches us the true power of vulnerable femininity. Daphne's energy softens our compulsion to subdue nature and our own souls so that we may learn how to return to the sacred joyful, playful, balance of masculine and feminine energies, of the yin and the yang.

This project is a celebration of my 40th year and the healing that is possible for victims of sexual abuse.  (I'm sending so much love and light to my thirteen year old self: we made it so much farther than you ever imagined!  Good work us!)  Yoga and meditation practice has been a vital part of my healing journey.  That and the work of Detoxing God, which I'll be talking about more soon!  Learning how to stay present in the moment, within my body and compassionately witnessing whatever fears and joys it is feeling rather than detaching, dissociating and zoning out has taken years of practicing deep incarnational healing work that I am honored to share with others. 

Many of us who were abused at a young age or dependent upon our abusers (or fed lies by the media that taught us to devalue our natural body and purchase our salvation from toxic systems of oppression) we internalized the critical voices of our abusers for our survival because we were dependent upon them and could not break away.  This is a common symptom of trauma survivors.  When it would overwhelm the still fragile developing ego to consciously see and name the abuse around us, the conscious knowing of abuse hides and goes inward causing dissociation and fragmentation of the self.  This work is about un-fucking ourselves from that cacophonous nightmare and sorting the seeds of our thoughts as we own the ways in which we have unknowingly participated in our own self destruction.  This work is about the ongoing learning to cultivate deep unconditional self love and care as we reconnect with our original wholeness. This work is about showing young girls that ageing is not scary, that our bodies are never ugly, especially not after having babies <3.  This work is about liberating wisdom and beauty so that these essentially feminine energies incarnate us as embodied sacred geometrical pieces that belong to the human family throughout our entire lives.

Special thanks to my partner and probably the only photographer I could trust to take pictures like this, Grant Swenson, who has cheered me along this healing journey, and made me feel safe enough to come out of the woods (and frolic naked in them too!) <3

It is my hope and intention that this calendar will unveil the illusions about softness equating to weakness, and weakness and things feminine being of lesser value (and thus must be dominated) kind of thinking in our culture.  Instead let us move into the work of creating sacred shelters for humanity to flourish in our natural environment, for children and vulnerable populations to have access to healing communities of compassion and healing centers rich in good clean earth (where other people can frolic naked too because it is so healing!!!).  This calendar also includes new moon and full moon dates with times to seed your intentions for co-creation and manifestation of intentions with the lunar cycles.  May this work soften our hearts and awaken our bodies to the fairy playful and fiery feminine spirit that has the power and strength to heal and transform our world as she invites us to return to the sacred balance.  

Presently I have a small batch of five copies available.  $10 of each purchase will be donated to RAINN, Rape Abuse & Incest, National Network.  

Shed a little light in your world this week, sacred ones.  Come out from under that bushel! 

<3 Jess



"Jessica Z’s prenatal yoga class is nothing short of wonderful! There is no pressure, and I always get a relaxing and thorough workout. She supplements with everything from visualization and singing to calming chants. I really enjoy the atmosphere created in her class. I enjoyed prenatal yoga because while my body was taking a new shape to carry the baby, my weight was shifting and as baby grew it would create different tension spots in my body. Jess’s class really helped stretch these muscles and ease my body aches. Yoga also helped lower my overall stress level and provided a space for quality time with my body and baby. Jess helps to make the class about more than just the postures. It’s a truly safe and comfortable environment and a great way to connect with other mamas! I am so grateful for her dedication and commitment to yoga and teaching"

Check out Jessica's Prenatal and other yoga classes at Mojo Fit Studios in Fargo, ND or schedule a private lesson, intuitive reading, Reiki session and more by visiting TARALOMA Earth Temple's SERVICES.

Weekly Oracle Forecast, July 10-July 16

Enjoying the beauty at Maplewood State Park last Wednesday.

Enjoying the beauty at Maplewood State Park last Wednesday.

Hello Sacred Ones,  

Last week I posted my first "divine transmission" on my Facebook page with a pledge to share something once a week as I begin to hone this practice of receiving guidance and information following my meditation practices that I am learning in my Priestess of the Dove training.  I expect things to evolve over time and I am looking forward to developing this weekly post as I grow.  For now, I want to at least commit to posting on Sundays some inspiration for the week! 

Being a daughter of a weatherman (and growing up always watching the radar on TV) I just couldn't resist calling these posts forecasts :)

I decided it would also be fun to add an oracle card for the week too, and I may play around with a few decks, but for now I am enjoying using Doreen Virtue's Saints Angel Card Oracle Card Deck.  

So here we go.  

I am learning how to connect to my spirit guides.  I was shown that I have 56!  I had a vision that I was taken up to meet them all and before me stood a large crowd of light beings.  I cried because it felt like I was coming home and I wanted to stay with them.  I was shown that I have work to do still.  There was a beautiful large tree behind the group and my grandfather (who was a Lutheran minister) greeted me first.  Jesus was also there and many others that I have still not met.  I am just beginning to learn how to listen and receive guidance about my own life, clients, community and about world events.  Here is what I was guided to share today:

"Oh children, you are in the thick of it.  You have been pushed to very rough edges.  But you are not alone.  We are here.  (Me: Who are you?  Spirit Guides: We are the ones who remember you.  We are those who have gone before you. We have always been here among you, surrounding you, reminding you of your destiny--it is truly the stars.)  We want you to open to love.  Love is the greatest law.  Love for ALL.  Every piece of creation has a place.  You must discover the sacred symmetry of creation.  You must discover your own sacred symmetry, for when you do a river of peace and love will flow through your entire being and you will learn things you never thought before possible.  You will be able to see clearly through the veils of illusion that so easily imprison you and frighten you now.  Rise light creatures.  Your time has come.  The time is now.  Rise into the love.  Evolve.  Remember how to live in peace.  You were designed for this.  Transform the fears you have.  Gather courage.  Your fears can be great teachers.  Fear teaches instincts, intuition and the perception of true danger.  Fear also teaches you the consequences of a broken relationship with love.  Use the fear among you now to direct you back to love.  Love makes you free."

The card I pulled to guide us for the this week following a really tough few days in our country:

Oh what a wonderful idea!  Music is such a powerful transformer of dark energy.  Just today I was feeling heavy as I was driving and the song True Colors came on the radio and all my worries dissolved and I could feel the beauty shinning in my heart again.  Music has a way of cutting past all of our blocks and communicating directly to our inner worlds.

You can enjoy the song, True Colors here:

Take some extra time this week to let music soothe your soul.  Google your favorites, bust out your old CDs or go for a walk with your headphones in nature (with bare feet! this balances your chakras too!).  Maybe you play an instrument or sing.  Take up the practice again this week.  Let the beautiful music of artists (or birds!) bring you back to the truth of your soul and the power of your purpose here and now.  Discover how you were created to incarnate love in your own unique way.

St.  Cecilia is the patron saint of music, singers and musicians.  She devoted herself to God early in life and at her wedding she decided she didn't like the music someone else had prepared, so she sang her own!  (Ha!  I also wrote music for my own wedding.)  

Let the song that is in your heart lead your way through whatever troubles you are carrying this week. 

Love, Jessica

Enjoy this song I wrote based on a Native American prayer for peace.  Let all around us be peace!