Weekly Oracle Forecast, Aug 21-27

Oh hey, it's Nikki the Know-It-All here from North Dakota, the one who is silently judging you.

So ya.  This week things are getting a little weird.  But my spirit guides are telling me that weird is about to become the new cool, so ya, hang in there.  Anyways, we just had a powerful full moon on Wednesday that sent out some major energy to transform all of our dirt into the beautiful dance of our lives.  That's right!  Whatever stuff in your life that you've previously seen as bad, all that stuff has been drummed up into the air and has the potential to shift from being a drain to flowing for your highest good.  So ya.  Good news!  

You know, after I was burned at the stake in my last life, I didn't want to come out into the world in this life.  But once I started listening to my spirit guides again and they assured me this time was going to be different, I finally got the guts to escape my solitude in the woods...and you know what? I found true love waiting for me!  So I know good stuff is going to happen to you when you connect with your spirit guides and let your soul expand into the world too :) I'm still silently judging you as you get your sea legs, but hey, I'm working on that with my spirit guides.

I'm so excited to introduce you to my new boyfriend Lars, from Fargo.  I thought I'd never love again, but this hybrid alien/humanoid captured my heart with his amazing third eye.  Just wait till you feel all that enlightening energy when he looks directly at you.  You'll get some powerful downloads from your spirit guides every time!  Also, I have a big reveal about the secret spiritual powers that North Dakotan's have developed by surviving all these harsh winters.  Check it out: 

Anyways, I am gifting Jessica one of my favorite decks to use so she can take her oracle skills into the next dimension.  This purrfect Mystical Cat Tarot deck reflects archetypal patterns of human consciousness known as far back as ancient Egypt, you know where they loved cats almost as much as I do.  So yeah, like people don't really get that the Tarot is linked to the Kabbalah, Jewish, and Sufi mysticism, and that Tarot is sorta like the your personal ancient therapist with personality assessments pre Carl Jung.  So ya.  Have fun expanding your consciousness with these wise cats!

Weekly Oracle Reading

Begin by taking a few deep breaths and inviting your whole self to be present in your body.  Next banish anything from your space that no longer serves you, your deepest soul or highest good of all beings.  Then, invite your spiritual guides and most helpful ancestors to be available to you for guidance. (I always invite Jesus and my favorite Goddesses or deities that specialize in my quandary.  For instance: if the matter is related to my children, I invite Mary, the Goddess Isis, and Demeter who all bring mothering wisdom to me.)  Then think of a question that you would ask a wise mentor, dear friend, or compassionate counselor for advice.  Once you complete all these steps, proceed with the reading below: 

Card 1:  Unknown Spiritual Influence
This card represents unknown spiritual forces that are affecting the matter at hand.  Spiritual influences can be positive or negative or neutral.

Underneath whatever anxieties and stresses you presently face, there is a deep spiritual peace and calm that is now accessible to you. Begin to feel this force working in your life and bringing a steady easy and restful joy to your week and the matter at hand. Whatever creative projects are rooted in this deep peace will surely flourish in the world for the highest good of all beings.  As you solidify this connection, you'll start healing old traumas within yourself and in the world. 

Card 2: Amplifier
The second card helps clarify and amplify the meaning of the first card, almost like an exclamation point at the end of a sentence.

Floating Cat is revealing that there needs to be some sacrifices made if you want to cultivate the deep peace in the first card. Reflect on what you will need to let go of in order to tune into the deep peace that lives within you.  What work will you take off your plate?  How will you give yourself the time and permission to slow down and nourish the seeds of peace?  Maybe it's time to also evaluate your influences and cut ties with those that no longer serve your highest good.  Let go and trust that resting will actually bring you what you truly desire.

Card 3: Spiritual Advice for the Matter
This card represents the advice of your spirit guides working for your highest good and the highest good of all beings.

XIV GRACE-Reversed
This upside down cat is revealing that your present path must change because it's not been your most graceful walk.  Trust that a moving in a new direction will better support your human flourishing, ultimate healing, and greatest joy.  You can walk with dignity through the tumultuous world, and find sure footing right beneath your furry feet.  Don't focus on the loud splashing waves, look to the rainbow in the sky to guide your way!

Card 4: Unconscious Desire
This card reveals some hidden motivations or shadow aspects of your personality of which you are not yet aware are affecting your energy.

ACE OF SKY-Reversed
There is some scattered energy and jumbled up ideas that are getting in the way of clear thinking of the matter.  The usual ways of thinking may not be what's needed at this time. Notice any brain fog or particular thoughts that are leading you to go unconscious or become depleted in energy. Greet the fears and haters with compassion and invite them to shift from self-sabotaging you to serve the ultimate good instead.

Card 5: Conscious Desire
The fifth card mirrors back to you your most present passions and cravings.

You want to be more in touch with your intuition, your sudden knowings, and listen for the wisdom of the dark.  Observe your dreams this week and see how they are helping you become more conscious of old patterns and new life.  The moon puts us in touch with feminine ways of being.  Let the energy of last weeks full moon transform your ego consciousness to include more awareness of other aspects of your whole self that are emerging now.  Wisdom is helping you learn how to prowl in alignment with your soul's nature.  

Card 6: Practical Advice in the Matter
This card represents your deepest intuitive response to the matter.  It also amplifies the spiritual advice received in card three.

These cats advise you to cultivate inner peace, heal your scattered mind, and align yourself with your intuition so that a more powerfully calm version of yourself will emerge in the world.  These cats don't need to control the outcome.  They trust the outcome will mirror the harmonious emotions that are experienced in a daily practice.  Cultivate your peace, and you shall live in abundance.  Just as the water flows to these contented cats, so also will the spirit flow to you wherever you find contentment.   

Card 7: Manifestation
The last card reveals to you how all of these energies are likely to manifest in your life should you follow the advice given.  Remember, we all have free will, so just because the cards reveal a potential positive or negative outcome doesn't mean we have no choice in changing the outcome.  It's all about learning how to work with energy so that we can make conscious responsible choices that are for the highest good of all beings.  If you do not believe that your manifestation card would be for the highest good of yourself and all beings, then change your direction.  

TEN OF SEA-Reversed
Your current clan of friends will shift as you apply these cats' wisdom to your present situation.  You'll find new friends and colleagues coming into your life to help support your new growth and serve the greater good.  Working together with others is vital for our growth.  Your previous support systems need an upgrade.  You won't find your normal support systems being able to offer you the encouragement you need.  Instead you'll discover new allies appearing as you grow in new ways!

Let me know how this reading resonates with you in the comments below!  Or if you want a more personal reading, book one with Jessica here.  

And the cats all chant:



Lars really shines in savasana pose.  You can too, here's how:  Lay on your back and walk your heels away from your body so you get as much length as possible.  Shimmy your shoulder blades together so you have a nice open heart, palms face up. Begin to scan your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes relaxing and breathing into every single cell until your entire body is completely at ease.  Witness with compassion whatever thoughts arise.  Invite a golden ball of light to rest over any parts of the body that need extra healing, deep peace, and joy.  Remain in this pose for at least 20 minutes for optimum benefit.  When you practice savasana after asana (yoga) your body is optimized for healing.  Cellular regeneration and deep restoration occurs within.  Maybe someday also enlightenment!  Enjoy!  (But Lars, maybe save your beer for AFTER practice next time, eh?)

Song of the week: Cat Lady

The light in me salutes the light in you, namaste, namaste!
<3 Jessica